Xenopus Phenotype Ontology
46 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 46 of 46 Records | Page: 1 of 1, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- dead
- decreased adhesivity
- decreased amount
- decreased area
- decreased coiling
- decreased contractility
- decreased curvature
- decreased diameter
- decreased distribution
- decreased elasticity
- decreased height
- decreased length
- decreased mass
- decreased mobility
- decreased object quality
- decreased occurrence
- decreased pigmentation
- decreased position
- decreased process quality
- decreased quality
- decreased rate
- decreased size
- decreased thickness
- decreased variability of size
- decreased volume
- decreased width
- defasciculated
- deformed
- degeneration
- degree of pigmentation
- delayed
- delayed closure
- delayed phase
- dendritic
- deviation (from_normal)
- diameter
- differentiated
- dilated
- disconnected
- disorganized
- displaced
- disposition_slim
- distributed
- dorsalized
- dorso-anteriorized
- duplicated