Zebrafish anatomy and development ontology
124 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 124 Records | Page: 1 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Reissner's fiber
- RoI2C
- RoI2R
- RoL1
- RoL2
- RoL2c
- RoL2r
- RoL3
- RoM1c
- RoM1r
- RoM2l
- RoM2m
- RoM3l
- RoM3m
- RoP motor neuron
- RoV3
- Rohon-Beard neuron
- radial
- radial glial cell
- raphe nucleus
- ray vein
- receptor cell (sensu Animalia)
- recurrent branch afferent branchial artery
- red sensitive photoreceptor cell
- regenerating fin
- regenerating tissue
- regeneration epithelium
- regeneration fibroblast
- region of the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle
- renal alpha-intercalated cell
- renal artery
- renal capsular space
- renal corpuscle
- renal duct
- renal glomerular capsule
- renal glomerular capsule epithelium
- renal glomerulus
- renal intercalated cell
- renal portal vein
- renal principal cell
- renal system
- renal tubule
- renal vesicle
- replacement tooth 3V
- replacement bone
- replacement element
- replacement tooth 1V
- replacement tooth 2V
- replacement tooth 4V
- replacement tooth 5V