Zebrafish Phenotype Ontology
99 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 99 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- B axonemal microtubule
- B cell activation
- B cell activation involved in immune response
- B cell differentiation
- BMP signaling pathway
- background adaptation
- banded collagen fibril
- basal cortex
- basal part of cell
- basal plasma membrane
- basal protein localization
- base conversion or substitution editing
- base-excision repair
- basement membrane
- basement membrane assembly
- basement membrane assembly involved in embryonic body morphogenesis
- basement membrane collagen trimer
- basement membrane disassembly
- basement membrane disassembly involved in semicircular canal fusion
- basement membrane organization
- basolateral part of cell
- basolateral plasma membrane
- behavior
- behavioral defense response
- behavioral fear response
- behavioral response to ethanol
- behavioral response to nicotine
- behavioral response to pain
- behavioral response to wounding
- beta-catenin-TCF complex assembly
- beta-galactosidase activity
- bicellular tight junction
- bile acid and bile salt transport
- bile acid biosynthetic process
- bile acid metabolic process
- bile acid secretion
- binding
- biogenic amine biosynthetic process
- biogenic amine metabolic process
- biological phase
- biological process involved in interaction with host
- biological process involved in interaction with symbiont
- biological process involved in interspecies interaction between organisms
- biological process involved in intraspecies interaction between organisms
- biological process involved in symbiotic interaction
- biological regulation
- biological_process
- biomineral tissue development
- biosynthetic process
- blastoderm segmentation