Zebrafish Phenotype Ontology
70 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 70 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- abnormal
- absence due to degeneration
- absence of anatomical entity
- absence of physical object
- absent
- absent process
- absorption quality
- abutting
- accelerated growth
- acceleration
- accumulation
- acidic
- acidity
- action potential
- activation quality
- active
- acute angle to
- adaxial to
- adenomatous
- adhesive
- adhesivity
- adjacent to
- adolescent
- age
- agenesis
- aggregated
- aligned with
- alignment
- alive
- altered number of
- alternation
- amorphous
- amount
- amplitude
- anatomical histological quality
- anatomical structure quality
- aneuploid
- angle
- angular
- angular velocity
- anterior orientation
- anterior-posterior diameter
- anterior-posterior polarity
- anteriorized
- antero-posteriorly flattened
- anterolateral orientation
- anteroventral orientation
- anucleate
- apical-basal polarity
- aplastic