Zebrafish Phenotype Ontology
22 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 22 of 22 Records | Page: 1 of 1, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- UCoD
- UV sensitive photoreceptor cell
- ultimobranchial body
- uncrossed tecto-bulbar tract
- unfertilized egg
- unilaminar epithelium
- unipolar neuron
- upper left intestinal lymph vessel
- upper lip
- upper oral valve
- upper rhombic lip
- upper right intestinal lymph vessel
- ural centrum 2
- ural vertebra 2
- urine
- urogenital papilla
- urohyal
- uroneural
- urostyle
- urothelial cell
- utricle
- utriculosaccular foramen