MIAPA Ontology
Ontology: MIAPA
- IRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/miapa.owl
- OBO Foundry: Library
- Download: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/miapa.owl
- Home: http://www.evoio.org/wiki/MIAPA
- Documentation: None
- Contact: Hilmar Lapp
- Help: http://groups.google.com/group/miapa-discuss
- Description: An application ontology to formalize annotation of phylogenetic data.
- creator: Hilmar Lapp, Phylotastic Tree Annotation Team
- description: The MIAPA ontology is intended to be an application ontology for the purpose of semantic annotation of phylogenetic data according to the requirements and recommendations of the Minimum Information for A Phylogenetic Analysis (MIAPA) metadata reporting standard. The ontology leverages (imports) primarily from the CDAO (Comparative Data Analysis Ontology), PROV (W3C Provenance Ontology), and SWO (Software Ontology, which includes the EDAM ontologies) ontologies. It adds some assertions of its own, as well as some classes and individuals that may eventually get pushed down into one of the respective source ontologies. This ontology is maintained at http://github.com/miapa/miapa, and requests for changes or additions should be filed at the issue tracker there. The discussion list is at miapa-discuss@googlegroups.com. Further resources about MIAPA can be found at the project's main page at http://evoio.org/wiki/MIAPA.
- title: Minimum Information for A Phylogenetic Analysis (MIAPA) Ontology
- rights: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
Number of Terms (including imported terms) (Detailed Statistics)
- Class (232)
- ObjectProperty (121)
- DatatypeProperty (19)
- AnnotationProperty (73)
- Instance (41)
Top level terms and selected core terms
- Activity
- Agent
- CDAOAnnotation
- Character
- CharacterStateDataMatrixAnnotation
- CharacterStateDatum
- CharacterStateDomain
- DatumCoordinate
- Dictionary
- Edge
- EdgeAnnotation
- EdgeLengthType
- Entity
- GenericallyDependentContinuant
- hereditaryChange
- Influence
- InstantaneousEvent
- Network
- Node
- originationEvent
- Role
- TreeAnnotation
- TUAnnotation
Number of SPARQL queries:8