Ontology for Stem Cell Investigations
Ontology: OSCI
- versionIRI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/2018-06-05/osci.owl
- versionInfo: Vision Release: 1.0.02
- Creator: Alexander Diehl; William Duncan; Jens Hansen; Yongqun Oliver He
- Date: 05-25-2018
- Description: OSCI is a biomedical ontology in the area of stem cell investigation. OSCI imports existing ontologies such as CL, CLO, and OBI, and aims to support standardized stem cell representation, integration, and analysis.
- Format: OWL-DL
- Subject and Keywords: A biomedical ontology to support stem cell investigation
- Title: OSCI: Ontology of Stem Cell Investigation
Number of Terms (including imported terms) (Detailed Statistics)
- Class (1310)
- ObjectProperty (103)
- DatatypeProperty (4)
- AnnotationProperty (113)
- Instance (18)
Number of SPARQL queries:8