NCI Thesaurus OBO Edition
2656 terms(s) returned
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- VDAC1 wt Allele
- VDAC2 Gene
- VDAC2 wt Allele
- VDAC3 Gene
- VDAC3 wt Allele
- VDC/IE Treatment Arm of AEWS1221
- VDC/IE+Ganitumab Treatment Arm of AEWS1221
- VDR Gene
- VDR wt Allele
- VEGF Overexpression Positive
- VEGF Signaling Pathway
- VEGF-targeting Agent
- VEGF/HGF-targeting DARPin MP0250
- VEGF:VEGFR Complex
- VEGFA Gene
- VEGFA Gene Product
- VEGFA wt Allele
- VEGFB Gene
- VEGFB wt Allele
- VEGFC Gene
- VEGFC wt Allele
- VEGFD Gene
- VEGFD wt Allele
- VEGFR Family Gene Mutation
- VEGFR Inhibitor KRN951
- VEGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor
- VEGFR-2 DNA Vaccine VXM01
- VEGFR-targeting Agent
- VEGFR/FGFR Inhibitor ODM-203
- VEGFR/PDGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor TAK-593
- VEGFR1 Signaling Pathway
- VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 Signaling
- VEGFR1-1084 Peptide Vaccine
- VEGFR2 Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor PF-00337210
- VEGFR2-targeted Contrast Agent BR55
- VEGFR2/PDGFR/c-Kit/Flt-3 Inhibitor SU014813
- VEGFR3 Inhibitor EVT801
- VEGFR3 Lymphatic Signaling Pathway
- VEXAS Syndrome
- VFQ25-Interviewer Administered Format - Accomplish Less Because of Vision
- VFQ25-Interviewer Administered Format - Are You Currently Driving
- VFQ25-Interviewer Administered Format - Difficulty Doing Work or Hobbies
- VFQ25-Interviewer Administered Format - Difficulty Driving During Daytime
- VFQ25-Interviewer Administered Format - Difficulty Driving at Night
- VFQ25-Interviewer Administered Format - Difficulty Entertaining Friends and Family in Home
- VFQ25-Interviewer Administered Format - Difficulty Figure Out Bill Accuracy
- VFQ25-Interviewer Administered Format - Difficulty Finding Something On a Shelf
- VFQ25-Interviewer Administered Format - Difficulty Going Down Steps at Night
- VFQ25-Interviewer Administered Format - Difficulty Going Out to See Movies
- VFQ25-Interviewer Administered Format - Difficulty Noticing Objects Off to the Side While Walking