Plant Phenology Ontology
542 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 542 Records | Page: 1 of 11, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group score value specification
- Eukaryota
- GenePattern software
- International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics cervical cancer stage value specification
- International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics ovarian cancer stage value specification
- Karnofsky score vaue specification
- NCBITaxon_10239
- NCBITaxon_2
- NCBITaxon_2157
- NCBITaxon_9606
- Viridiplantae
- abscised cone or seed absent
- abscised cone or seed presence
- abscised cone or seed present
- abscised fruit or seed absent
- abscised fruit or seed presence
- abscised fruit or seed present
- abscised leaf absent
- abscised leaf presence
- abscised leaf present
- abscised plant structure absent
- abscised plant structure presence
- abscised plant structure present
- abscission
- action specification
- algorithm
- anatomical entity
- anatomical structure development
- androecium
- androecium primordium
- anther
- anther primordium
- apical meristem
- biological_process
- bract
- bract anlagen
- bract primordium
- breaking leaf bud
- breaking leaf bud absent
- breaking leaf bud presence
- breaking leaf bud present
- bud
- bud burst stage
- bud development stage
- bud dormancy process
- bud swell stage
- catalytic activity
- categorical label
- categorical value specification