African Population Ontology
554 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 451 to 500 of 554 Records | Page: 10 of 12, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Vili
- Western Africa
- Western African
- Western Sahara
- Wolaita
- Wolof
- Wuzlam
- Xhosa
- Yaka
- Yakoma
- Yalunka
- Yao
- Yeyi
- Yoruba
- Zafimaniry
- Zaghawa
- Zambia
- Zande
- Zarabe
- Zarma
- Zimbabwe
- Zoreille
- Zulu
- altLabel
- continent
- contributor
- contributor
- creation_date
- creator
- curation status specification
- data about an ontology part
- data item
- date
- defaultLanguage
- defined class
- definition
- denotator type
- description
- description
- domain entity does not exist
- example to be eventually removed
- failed exploratory term
- family
- format
- geographical location
- has database cross reference
- has exact synonym
- hasCountryOfOrigin
- immaterial entity
- information content entity