Cephalopod Ontology
51 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 51 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Ceratitida
- caecal sac
- caecum
- calamus
- calcareous
- carpal knob
- carpal locking apparatus
- carpal sucker
- carpus
- cartilaginous tubercle
- cement body
- cephalic cartilage
- cephalic vein
- cephalopod brain
- cephalopod coelom
- cephalopod eye
- cephalopod olfactory organ
- cephalopod ovary
- cephalopod penis
- cephalopod radula
- cephalopod size
- cephalopod sperm receptacle
- cephalopod spermathecum
- cephalopod statocyst
- cephalopod stomach
- cephalopod swimbladder
- cephalopod trait
- cephalopod tubercule
- chitin
- chromatophore
- chromatophore field
- circularis muscle
- circumoral appendage
- circumoral appendage bud
- circumoral appendage segment
- cirrate male reproductive system
- cirrate octopod measurements
- cirrus
- collar
- collection of suckers
- conus
- conus field
- cornea
- corneal membrane
- counterillumination
- crest of hectocotylus
- crop
- ctenoglossan radula
- cupped coil
- cusp