Cephalopod Ontology
47 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 47 of 47 Records | Page: 1 of 1, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- saddle
- saddle-shaped
- sagittate fin
- scales and tubercule
- secondary conus
- secondary eyelid
- secondary fin
- secondary web
- semelparous
- semicrescent plate
- sepioid gill
- septum
- sexual dimorphism
- sexual size dimorphism
- shell aperture
- shell apex
- shell chamber
- shell sac
- shell septum
- shell trait
- shield
- side pocket
- siphuncle
- spadix organ
- sperm mass
- spermatangia
- spermatophore
- spermatophore gland
- spermatophore groove
- spermatophore pad
- spot
- stalk of tentacle
- stalked eye
- stellate ganglion
- stylet
- subadult stage
- subesophageal mass of brain
- sucker
- sucker ring
- sucker series
- sucker stalk
- sucker teeth
- superior buccal lobes
- superior frontal lobe system
- superocular cirri
- suprabrachial commissure
- supraesophageal mass of brain