CHEBI Integrated Role Ontology
54 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 54 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- nail dystrophy
- narcolepsy
- narrow eye opening
- narrow head
- narrow palate
- narrow salivary ducts
- nasal bone hyperplasia
- nasal bone hypoplasia
- nasal inflammation
- nasolacrimal duct obstruction
- nausea
- neck telangiectases
- necrospermia
- neonatal lethality
- nephrocalcinosis
- nephrolithiasis
- nephron necrosis
- nephrosclerosis
- nervous
- nervous system phenotype
- neural tube degeneration
- neurodegeneration
- neurofibrillary tangles
- neurogenic bladder
- neuron degeneration
- neuron hypertrophy
- neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions
- neuronal intranuclear inclusions
- neuronal leptomeningeal ectopia
- nipple discharge
- nipple hemorrhage
- no abnormal phenotype detected
- no phenotypic analysis
- no spontaneous movement
- no suckling reflex
- no swallowing reflex
- non-obstructive hydrocephaly
- non-pigmented tail tip
- nonconvulsive seizures
- nonsyndromic hearing impairment
- nonsyndromic hearing loss
- normal phenotype
- nose closed contusion
- nose open abrasion
- nose open avulsion
- nose open incision
- nose open laceration
- nose open puncture
- nose wound
- notochord degeneration