Cell Line Ontology
81 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 51 to 81 of 81 Records | Page: 2 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- JKT-beta-del cell
- JLS-V5 cell
- JLS-V9 cell
- JM cell
- JM1 cell
- JM2 cell
- JO1-1 cell
- JOSK-I cell
- JOSK-M cell
- JR 1 cell
- JR8 cell
- JRO1-27 cell
- JSC-1 cell
- JTC-15 cell
- JTC-19 cell
- JTC-27 cell
- JURKAT cell
- JURL-MK1 cell
- JURL-MK2 cell
- JVM-13 cell
- JVM-2 cell
- JVM-3 cell
- JY cell
- Ja Bos cell
- Ja Coo cell
- Jay Sen cell
- Jensen Sarcoma cell
- Jiyoye cell
- Jo Per cell
- Jurkat J6 cell
- Jurkat, Clone E6-1 cell