Coleoptera Anatomy Ontology (COLAO)
32 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 32 of 32 Records | Page: 1 of 1, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- fan-shaped
- femoral muscle
- femoro-tibial conjunctiva
- femur
- first axillary sclerite
- first flagellomere
- first maxillar palpopalpal muscle
- flagellomere
- flagellum
- flat
- flattened
- flexibility
- foramen occipitale
- fore leg
- fore wing
- fourth maxillar palpopalpal muscle
- frons
- frontal carina
- frontal suture
- fronto-oral muscle
- fronto-pedicellar muscle
- frontoclypeal ridge
- frontoclypeal sulcus
- frontoclypeus
- frontoepypharyngeal muscle
- frontolabral muscle
- frontolateral peripheral endophallite
- furca
- furcasternum
- furco-coxal muscle
- furco-trochanteral muscle
- fused axial and subaxial endophallites