Epilepsy Ontology
117 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 51 to 100 of 117 Records | Page: 2 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- has_MedDRA_id
- has_alternative_id
- has_broad_synonym
- has_exact_synonym
- has_narrow_synonym
- has_obo_namespace
- has_rank
- has_related_synonym
- has_relational_adjective
- head and neck symptom
- head bobbing
- head circumference
- head morphological measurement
- head movement
- head symptom
- health care process
- health care process assay
- heart conduction disease
- heart disease
- heart measurement
- heart rate
- heautoscopy
- hemangioma
- hematocrit
- hematoma
- hemiplegia
- hemoglobin measurement
- hepatobiliary disease
- hereditary ataxia
- hiccough
- high potassium slice model
- hindbrain
- hippocampal epilepsy
- hippocampal field
- hippocampal kindling model
- hippocampal sclerosis
- history
- homeostasis
- homology_notes
- horizontal occular oscillation
- human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease
- hydrocephalus
- hypehydrotic seizure
- hyper-cyanotic spell
- hyperekplexia
- hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia
- hypersensitivity reaction disease
- hypersensitivity reaction type IV disease
- hypersomnia
- hypertension