Epilepsy Ontology
62 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 62 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Brain connectivity TM_BIN
- Zung self-rating anxiety scale
- alternative_term
- anatomical entity TM_BIN
- automotor seizure
- brain connectivity
- brain functional connectivity
- brain functional connectivity measure
- brain functional connectivity network
- cellular process TM_BIN
- connectivity
- contributor
- created_by
- creation_date
- creator
- date
- def
- definition
- depicted by
- description
- diagnosis TM_BIN
- epilepsy classification TM_BIN
- epilepsy imitator TM_BIN
- epilepsy syndrome TM_BIN
- epileptic seizure network
- etiology TM_BIN
- functional connectivity
- functional connectivity measure
- global connectivity measure
- gwas_trait
- hasDbXref
- hasOBONamespace
- id
- inter-ictal
- intracranial electrode
- isAnatomicalEntityFor
- isBrainConnectivityFor
- isCellularProcessFor
- isClassificationFor
- isDiagnosisFor
- isEtiologyFor
- isImitatorFor
- isRiskFactorFor
- isSeizureClassificationFor
- isSignAndSymptomFor
- isSyndromeFor
- isTreatmentFor
- is_metadata_tag
- license
- multi-contact electrode