Food Ontology
721 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 651 to 700 of 721 Records | Page: 14 of 15, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- europe, western
- european anchovy
- european anchovy carcass
- european anchovy carcass (raw)
- european anchovy fillet
- european anchovy fillet (raw)
- european anchovy fillet (skinless)
- european anchovy fillet (skinless, raw)
- european anchovy fillet (with skin)
- european anchovy fillet (with skin, raw)
- european anchovy material
- european blackberry food product
- european blackberry plant
- european blackberry preserve or jam food product
- european cantaloupe plant
- european chestnut
- european chestnut (dried)
- european chestnut (raw)
- european chestnut tree
- european crabapple plant
- european crayfish family
- european dover sole
- european filbert nut food product
- european filbert plant
- european food groups (efg)
- european goldenrod plant
- european john dory (raw)
- european ling
- european lobster (raw)
- european pilchard (raw)
- european plum (raw)
- european strawberry plant
- european turbot (raw)
- evaporated milk
- evaporated milk (canned, fortified)
- evaporated milk (canned, sterilized)
- evaporated milk (reduced fat, Vitamin A and Vitamin D fortified)
- evaporated milk (with added vitamin A)
- evaporated milk food product
- evaporated skim milk
- evening primrose plant
- evolutionarily related to
- ewe
- example of usage
- example to be eventually removed
- excelsa coffee bean
- excreta
- executes
- exocarp
- exocarpos plant