Food Ontology
1598 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1551 to 1598 of 1598 Records | Page: 32 of 32, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- fudge bar (double walnut)
- fudge brownie mix (chocolate-flavored)
- fudge cake
- fudge food product
- fudge powder
- full alcohol removal process
- full cream
- full cream milk (dry)
- full cream milk (dry, vitamin D fortified)
- full fat cheese (codex)
- full fat claim
- full fat removal process
- fully heat-treated
- fully hydrogenated oil
- fulmar
- fumaric acid
- fumigant (codex)
- function
- function of
- functionally related to
- fundu nut
- fungal material
- fungal primordium
- fungal structure
- fungicidal preservative (codex)
- fungistatic agent (codex)
- fungivory
- fungus
- fungus (edible)
- fungus (edible, canned)
- fungus (edible, dried)
- fungus (edible, fresh)
- fungus (edible, frozen)
- fungus (pickled)
- fungus (sterilized)
- fungus food product
- fungus product (edible)
- fungus vegetable food product
- funicle
- furans
- fused clamp
- fusilier
- fusilier family
- fusilli
- fuzzy kiwifruit
- fuzzy kiwifruit (raw)
- fynbo cheese
- fynbo cheese (mini)