Food Ontology
971 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 851 to 900 of 971 Records | Page: 18 of 20, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- horseradish tree
- horsfieldia plant
- hot chocolate beverage
- hot chocolate food product
- hot chocolate mix (instant)
- hot dog
- hot dog relish
- hot maceration
- hot pepper
- hot pepper (pulverized, juiced)
- hot pepper food product
- hot pepper paste
- hot pepper plant
- hot pepper relish
- hot pepper spice food product
- hot sauce
- hound shark family
- hour
- hour based unit
- house
- house cricket
- house cricket carcass
- house cricket carcass (raw)
- house cricket material
- house cricket powder
- hubbard squash
- hubbard squash (raw)
- hubbard squash plant
- huckleberry
- huckleberry (canned)
- huckleberry (raw)
- huckleberry food product
- huckleberry jelly
- huckleberry plant
- human as food consumer
- human as food consumer, four years and above
- human construction
- human milk (powdered)
- human milk (raw)
- human milk based food product
- human settlement
- humectant (codex)
- humectant (ec)
- humid subtropical climatic zone
- hummus
- humpback snapper (raw)
- humpback whitefish (raw)
- humulone
- hungarian wax pepper
- hungarian wax pepper (raw)