Food Ontology
717 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 717 Records | Page: 1 of 15, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- I-Kiribati
- IRL clade
- Ibacus
- Ibacus ciliatus
- Iberian ham
- Iberian populations in Spain
- Ibibio
- Iceland
- Icelandic
- Icelandic in Iceland (SGDP)
- Ictaluridae
- Ictalurus
- Ictalurus furcatus
- Ictalurus pricei
- Ictalurus punctatus
- Ictalurus punctatus x Ictalurus furcatus
- Ictiobus
- Ictiobus bubalus
- Ictiobus cyprinellus
- Ictiobus niger
- Igbo
- Igorot in Philippines (SGDP)
- Iguana
- Iguana iguana
- Iguania
- Ijaw
- Ile Bassas da India
- Ile Europa
- Ile Tromelin
- Ilex aquifolium
- Ilisha
- Ilisha africana
- Ilisha elongata
- Ilisha fuerthii
- Ilisha megaloptera
- Ilisha melastoma
- Ilisha pristigastroides
- Illex
- Illex argentinus
- Illex cf. oxygonius DBC-2006
- Illex coindetii
- Illex illecebrosus
- Illicium verum
- Imparidentia
- Incultus tuberculosus complex sp. CC-2020
- India
- Indian
- Indian Telugu in the UK
- Indicación geográfica protegida