Food Ontology
566 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 566 Records | Page: 1 of 12, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- N-acyl-amino acid
- N-sulfonylcarboxamide
- NCBITaxon_1072472
- NCBITaxon_110569
- NCBITaxon_1170837
- NCBITaxon_163129
- NCBITaxon_387452
- NCBITaxon_436001
- NCBITaxon_548163
- NCBITaxon_549450
- NCBITaxon_558553
- NCBITaxon_66703
- NCBITaxon_687680
- NCBITaxon_740707
- NCBITaxon_75034
- NCI usual diet
- NCIT_C37984
- NIAID GSCID-BRC alternative term
- NPAAA clade
- Nahua
- Nama
- Nambya
- Namibia
- Namibian
- Nande
- Nandi
- Nandus nandus
- Nanger dama
- Nankani
- Nankin cherry
- Nara
- Narcine brasiliensis
- Naso unicornis
- Nasturtium officinale
- Naticidae
- Native American food claim
- Native Hawaiian
- Nauru
- Nauruan
- Navajo food claim
- Navassa Island
- Naxi in China (HGDP)
- Naxi in China (SGDP)
- Ndau
- Ndebele
- Ndzwani
- Nebris microps
- Necora puber
- Negaprion brevirostris
- Nelumbo nucifera