Food Ontology
986 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 801 to 850 of 986 Records | Page: 17 of 20, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- rockweed (dried)
- roe deer
- rohu egg
- role
- role
- role of
- roll (butter-flavored, enriched)
- roll (seeded)
- roll (starch-reduced)
- roll or bun
- roll or bun (brown and serve)
- roll or bun (enriched)
- roll or bun (milk)
- roll or bun (raisin)
- roll or bun (whole wheat)
- roll-in margarine
- rolled grain
- rolled oats
- rolled oats (cooked)
- rollmop (artificially sweetened)
- rolls, buns, and pita (pre-packed)
- romadur cheese
- romaine lettuce head
- romaine lettuce head (raw)
- romaine lettuce heart
- romaine plant
- roman chamomile
- romanesco plant
- romano cheese
- romano cheese (block)
- romano cheese (enzyme-modified)
- romano cheese (garlic-flavored, grated)
- romano cheese (grated)
- romano cheese (pecorino-style)
- romano cheese food product
- rooibos tea (dry)
- rooibos tea (steeped)
- rooster
- root
- root anlagen
- root beer
- root beer (sugar free)
- root beer beverage base
- root beer beverage syrup
- root development stage
- root primordium
- root system
- root vegetable
- root vegetable (canned)
- root vegetable (cooked)