Food Ontology
152 terms(s) returned
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- U.S. code of federal regulations, title 21 food product type
- USA agency food product type
- USDA SR American Indian/Alaska Native Foods (3500)
- USDA SR baby foods (0300)
- USDA SR baked products (1800)
- USDA SR beef products (1300)
- USDA SR beverages (1400)
- USDA SR breakfast cereals (0800)
- USDA SR cereal grains and pasta (2000)
- USDA SR dairy and egg products (0100)
- USDA SR fast foods (2100)
- USDA SR fats and oils (0400)
- USDA SR finfish and shellfish products (1500)
- USDA SR fruits and fruit juices (0900)
- USDA SR lamb, veal, and game products (1700)
- USDA SR legumes and legume products (1600)
- USDA SR meals, entrees, and sidedishes (2200)
- USDA SR nut and seed products (1200)
- USDA SR pork products (1000)
- USDA SR poultry products (0500)
- USDA SR restaurant foods (3600)
- USDA SR sausages and luncheon meats (0700)
- USDA SR snacks (2500)
- USDA SR soups, sauces, and gravies (0600)
- USDA SR spices and herbs (0200)
- USDA SR sweets (1900)
- USDA SR vegetables and vegetable products (1100)
- USDA Standard Reference food product type
- Ubangi Central
- Uganda
- Ugandan
- Ugni molinae
- Ukraine
- Ukrainian
- Ulchi in Russia (SGDP)
- Ulva
- Ulva limnetica
- Ulva prolifera
- Ulvales
- Umbellularia californica
- Umbridae
- Umbrina
- Umbrina canosai
- Umbrina cirrosa
- Umbrina coroides
- Umbrina roncador
- Unionidae
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United States Minor Outlying Islands