Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology
74 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 74 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- vacuolated
- vacuoles absent
- vacuoles present in decreased numbers during vegetative growth
- vacuoles present in increased numbers
- vacuoles present in increased numbers during vegetative growth
- variable cell size at division
- variable cell size at division with subsequent division at abnormal size
- variable cell size at division with subsequent division at normal size
- variable cellular lipid droplet content
- vegetative cell lysis
- vegetative cell phenotype
- vegetative cell population growth phenotype
- vegetative cell, abnormal cell shape, normal cell size
- viable after spore germination with elongated germ tube
- viable branched, curved, elongated vegetative cell
- viable branched, elongated vegetative cell
- viable branched, elongated, multiseptate vegetative cell
- viable branched, swollen vegetative cell
- viable branched, swollen, elongated, multinucleate vegetative cell
- viable branched, swollen, elongated, multinucleate, multiseptate vegetative cell
- viable cell
- viable cell population
- viable cell with normal cell morphology during nitrogen starvation
- viable curved elongated vegetative cell
- viable curved elongated vegetative cell with abnormal septum
- viable curved stubby septated vegetative cell
- viable curved stubby vegetative cell
- viable curved vacuolated vegetative cell
- viable curved vegetative cell
- viable curved vegetative cell with abnormal septum
- viable curved vegetative cell with long curved interphase microtubules
- viable curved, elongated, swollen vegetative cell
- viable elongated cell during nitrogen starvation
- viable elongated multinucleate vegetative cell
- viable elongated multiseptate vegetative cell
- viable elongated vegetative cell
- viable elongated vegetative cell during phosphate starvation
- viable elongated vegetative cell with increased cell diameter
- viable elongated vegetative cell with swollen medial region
- viable elongated vegetative cell, elongated upon mitotic entry
- viable elongated vegetative cell, with progressive elongation
- viable lemon-shaped cell
- viable mononucleate monoseptate vegetative cell with anucleate compartment
- viable normal volume spheroid vegetative cell
- viable pear-shaped vegetative cell
- viable small vegetative cell
- viable small vegetative cell with normal cell growth rate
- viable small vegetative cell with slow cell growth
- viable spherical vegetative cell
- viable spheroid vegetative cell