Human Phenotype Ontology
139 terms(s) returned
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- kidney cortex collecting duct principal cell
- kidney cortex interstitial cell
- kidney cortex vein cell
- kidney cortical cell
- kidney corticomedullary boundary
- kidney epithelial cell
- kidney epithelium
- kidney field
- kidney glomerular epithelial cell
- kidney inner medulla cell
- kidney inner medulla collecting duct epithelial cell
- kidney inner medulla collecting duct principal cell
- kidney inner medulla interstitial cell
- kidney interstitial cell
- kidney interstitial fibroblast
- kidney interstitium
- kidney medulla cell
- kidney medulla collecting duct epithelial cell
- kidney medulla interstitial cell
- kidney mesenchyme
- kidney nerve cell
- kidney pelvis cell
- kidney pelvis smooth muscle
- kidney pelvis smooth muscle cell
- kidney pyramid
- kidney rudiment
- kidney tubule cell
- kidney vasculature
- kidney venous blood vessel cell
- kidney_upper_slim
- killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily B member 1C
- killing by host of symbiont cells
- killing of cells of another organism
- kinesis
- kinesthetic behavior
- knee
- knee connective tissue
- knee joint
- knee joint primordium