Human Phenotype Ontology
1023 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 951 to 1000 of 1023 Records | Page: 20 of 21, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- brainstem
- brainstem motor neuron
- brainstem nucleus
- brainstem white matter
- branch of basilar artery
- branch of external carotid artery
- branch of internal carotid artery
- branch of middle cerebral artery
- branch of vertebral artery
- branched
- branched duct epithelial cell
- branched-chain amino acid
- branched-chain amino-acid anion
- branched-chain fatty acid
- branched-chain fatty acid anion
- branched-chain keto acid
- branched-chain keto acid anion
- branched-chain saturated fatty acid
- branched-chain saturated fatty acid anion
- branchiness
- branching involved in blood vessel morphogenesis
- branching morphogenesis of an epithelial tube
- branching part of
- breast
- breast epithelium
- broad
- broad ligament of uterus
- broken
- bronchial artery
- bronchial epithelial cell
- bronchial goblet cell
- bronchial lumen
- bronchial lymph node
- bronchial mucosa
- bronchial smooth muscle cell
- bronchial vein
- bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue
- bronchiolar smooth muscle cell
- bronchiole
- bronchodilator agent
- bronchopulmonary segment
- bronchus
- bronchus basement membrane
- bronchus connective tissue
- bronchus elastic tissue
- bronchus fibroblast of lung
- bronchus smooth muscle
- bronchus submucosal gland
- buccal artery
- buccal epithelium