Human Phenotype Ontology
2299 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1901 to 1950 of 2299 Records | Page: 39 of 46, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- ciliated cell of the bronchus
- ciliated columnar cell of tracheobronchial tree
- ciliated columnar epithelium
- ciliated columnar oviduct epithelium
- ciliated epithelial cell
- ciliated epithelial cell of esophagus
- ciliated epithelium
- ciliated olfactory receptor neuron
- ciliated stratified columnar epithelium
- cilium
- cilium assembly
- cilium movement
- cilium movement involved in cell motility
- cilium or flagellum-dependent cell motility
- cilium organization
- cilium-dependent cell motility
- circadian behavior
- circadian rhythm
- circadian sleep/wake cycle
- circadian sleep/wake cycle process
- circadian sleep/wake cycle, REM sleep
- circadian sleep/wake cycle, sleep
- circle of Willis
- circular
- circulating cell
- circulatory disorder
- circulatory organ
- circulatory system
- circulatory system development
- circulatory system process
- circumference
- circumventricular organ
- citrate anion
- citrate(1-)
- citrate(2-)
- citrate(3-)
- citrate(4-)
- citric acid
- citrullinate
- citrulline
- citrullines
- class switched memory B cell
- classical monocyte
- clathrate compound
- clavate
- clavicle bone
- clavicle bone primordium
- clavicle cartilage element
- clavicle pre-cartilage condensation
- cleavage stage