Human Phenotype Ontology
1221 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 201 to 250 of 1221 Records | Page: 5 of 25, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Fibrous hamartoma
- Fibrous syngnathia
- Fibrous tissue neoplasm
- Fibular aplasia
- Fibular bowing
- Fibular deviation of the 2nd toe
- Fibular deviation of the 3rd toe
- Fibular deviation of the 4th toe
- Fibular deviation of the 5th toe
- Fibular deviation of toes
- Fibular duplication
- Fibular hypoplasia
- Fibular metaphyseal irregularity
- Fibular overgrowth
- Fibular torsion
- Fifth finger distal phalanx clinodactyly
- Fifth metacarpal with ulnar notch
- Filum terminale lipoma
- Fine hair
- Fine, reticulate skin pigmentation
- Finely dispersed lymph node lymphocyte chromatin
- Finger agnosia
- Finger aplasia
- Finger clinodactyly
- Finger dactylitis
- Finger flexor weakness
- Finger hyperphalangy
- Finger joint contracture
- Finger joint hypermobility
- Finger pain
- Finger swelling
- Finger symphalangism
- Finger syndactyly
- Fingernail dysplasia
- Fingerpad telangiectases
- Fingerprint bodies
- Fingerprint intracellular accumulation of autofluorescent lipopigment storage material
- Firm muscles
- First degree atrioventricular block
- First dorsal interossei muscle atrophy
- First dorsal interossei muscle weakness
- Fish odor
- Fixated interest with abnormal focus
- Fixated interest with abnormal intensity
- Fixated interests
- Fixation-off epileptiform discharges
- Fixed elbow flexion
- Fixed facial expression
- Fixed fetal extremities
- Fixed head retroflexion