MIAPA Ontology
131 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 51 to 100 of 131 Records | Page: 2 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- EdgeLengthType
- FASTADataMatrix
- FullyResolvedRootedTree
- FullyResolvedTree
- FullyResolvedUnrootedTree
- GalledTree
- GammaDistribution
- GapCost
- GenBankDataMatrix
- Generic_State
- GrafenLengthType
- HolophyleticGroup
- JukesCantor
- Kimura2Parameters
- Lineage
- MRCANode
- ModelDescription
- Molecular
- MolecularCharacter
- MolecularStateDatum
- MonophyleticGroup
- NEXUSTreeBlock
- Network
- NewickTree
- NexusDataBlock
- Node
- PHYLIPDataMatrix
- ParaphyleticGroup
- Phylo4Tree
- PhyloTree
- PolymorphicStateDomain
- PolyphyleticGroup
- Polytomy
- ReconcileTree
- ReticulateEvolution
- RibonucleotideResidue
- RibonucleotideResidueCharacter
- RibonucleotideResidueStateDatum
- RootedSubtree
- RootedTree
- Sequence
- SetOfCharacters
- SetOfNodes
- SetOfThings
- SpeciesTree
- Standard
- StandardCharacter
- StandardStateDatum