Ontology of Biological Attributes
355 terms(s) returned
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- acromion
- acropodial skeleton
- acropodium region
- adenohypophyseal placode
- adenohypophysis
- adipose tissue
- adipose tissue of abdominal region
- adrenal cortex
- adrenal gland
- adrenal gland X zone
- adrenal gland capsule
- adrenal gland cortex zone
- adrenal medulla
- adrenal tissue
- adrenal/interrenal gland
- adult organism
- adventitia
- adventitia of ductus deferens
- adventitia of epididymis
- adventitia of esophagus
- adventitia of seminal vesicle
- adventitia of ureter
- afferent lymphatic vessel
- aggregate regional part of brain
- air in respiratory system
- airway submucosal gland
- ala of nose
- alimentary part of gastrointestinal system
- alisphenoid bone
- alisphenoid cartilage element
- alisphenoid endochondral element
- alisphenoid ossification center
- alisphenoid pre-cartilage condensation
- allantois
- alveolar artery
- alveolar pore
- alveolar process of maxilla
- alveolar ridge
- alveolar ridge of mandible
- alveolar ridge of premaxilla
- alveolar sac
- alveolar smooth muscle
- alveolar system
- alveolar wall
- alveolus
- alveolus of lung
- alveus of CA2 field
- amnion
- amniotic cavity
- amniotic ectoderm