Ontology of Host Pathogen Interactions
736 terms(s) returned
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- ftsZ
- full name from nomenclature authority
- fully formed stage
- fumA
- function
- function of
- function of at all times
- function_notes
- functional_classification
- functionally related to
- fur
- fur
- fur
- fur
- fur
- fur
- fur
- fur
- fur
- future brain
- future cardiac ventricle
- future central nervous system
- future coelemic cavity lumen
- future dermis
- future facial nucleus
- future lower lip
- future metencephalon
- future mouth
- future myelencephalon
- future nervous system
- future spinal cord
- future superior salivatory nucleus
- future trigeminal ganglion
- fyuA
- fyuA
- fyuA