Ontology of Host Pathogen Interactions
1564 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1501 to 1550 of 1564 Records | Page: 31 of 32, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- sucD
- sugA
- sugB
- sugC
- sugR
- sulcus limitans of neural tube
- supX
- superficial cervical artery
- superficial vein
- superficial_to
- superior olivary complex
- superior salivatory nucleus
- superior vesical artery
- superior vesical vein
- supplies
- support vector machine
- surA
- surA
- surA
- surA
- surA
- surA
- surA
- surA
- surA
- surE
- surface groove
- surface of bone
- surface of cartilage
- surface of epithelium
- surface of eyeball
- surface structure
- surrounded by
- surrounds
- susceptibility
- susceptibility to infectious agent
- suspension cell culture growth mode
- suspension cell line culturing
- suspension with feeder cells cell line culturing
- suspension-multicell aggregates cell line culturing
- sycD
- sycD
- sycH
- sycH
- symbiosis, encompassing mutualism through parasitism
- symbol from nomenclature authority
- sympathetic ganglion
- sympathetic nerve
- sympathetic nervous system
- synovial cavity of joint