Radiation Biology Ontology
109 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 51 to 100 of 109 Records | Page: 2 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- lens vesicle cavity
- lens vesicle epithelium
- life cycle
- life cycle stage
- lip
- lip epithelium
- lip skeletal muscle
- liver
- liver blood vessel
- liver bud
- liver left lobe parenchyma
- liver lobule
- liver parenchyma
- liver primordium
- liver right lobe parenchyma
- liver serosa
- liver stroma
- liver subserosa
- liver trabecula
- lobe of liver
- lobe of lung
- lobule
- locus ceruleus
- loose connective tissue
- lower digestive tract
- lower jaw opening
- lower jaw region
- lower lip
- lower respiratory tract
- lower respiratory tract cartilage
- lower respiratory tract connective tissue
- lower respiratory tract epithelium
- lower respiratory tract smooth muscle
- lumen of anal canal
- lumen of blood vessel
- lumen of central nervous system
- lumen of colon
- lumen of digestive tract
- lumen of duodenum
- lumen of epithelial sac
- lumen of esophagus
- lumen of gastrointestinal system
- lumen of hindgut
- lumen of intestine
- lumen of midgut
- lumen of terminal part of digestive tract
- lung
- lung blood vessel
- lung bud
- lung connective tissue