Spider Ontology
123 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 123 Records | Page: 1 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- PC silk fiber
- Pi silk fiber
- palp
- palpal claw
- palpal claw lever
- palpal femoral thorn
- palpal femoral thorn
- palpal femur
- palpal muscle M29
- palpal muscle M30
- palpal patella
- palpal pretarsus
- palpal tarsus
- palpal tibia
- palpal trochanter
- paracribellar gland
- paracribellar gland spigot
- paracribellar gland spigot of posterior lateral spinneret
- paracribellar gland spigot of posterior median spinneret
- paracymbium
- paramedian apophysis
- pars pendula
- patella
- patella 1
- patella 2
- patella 3
- patella 4
- patellar indentation
- paturon
- pedicel
- pedicel sensilla stripe
- pedicel slit sensillum
- pedicel sternite
- pedicel tergite
- peg tooth
- penultimate
- peripheral nervous system
- petiolus
- pharynx
- piriform field
- piriform gland
- piriform gland spigot
- plagula ventralis
- plectrum
- pleural area
- pleural bar
- podomere
- podotarsite
- pore of epigynal cuticular gland
- pore of spigot shaft