Spider Ontology
56 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 56 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- tactile hair
- tactile hair appendages prosoma
- tactile hair appendages prosoma shaft
- tagma
- tapetum
- tarsal dorsobasal step
- tarsal organ
- tarsal organ capsule
- tarsal organ of cymbium
- tarsal organ of female palp
- tarsal organ of leg
- tarsal organ sensillum
- tarsal pseudosegment
- tarsal setal comb 4
- tarsus
- tarsus 1
- tarsus 2
- tarsus 3
- tarsus 4
- tartipore
- tegulum
- tendon
- tenent barb
- tenent barb of claw tuft seta
- tenent barb of scopular seta
- tenent seta
- terminal hematodocha
- testis
- thoracic area
- thoracic fovea
- thoracic furrow
- tibia
- tibia 1
- tibia 2
- tibia 3
- tibia 4
- tibial crack
- tibial gland
- trachea
- tracheal cuticle
- tracheal mesh
- tracheal spiracle
- tracheal system
- tracheal tube
- tracheole
- triad of posterior lateral spinneret
- trichobothria
- trichobothria shaft
- trichobothrial patterns
- trochanter