The Statistical Methods Ontology
1120 terms(s) returned
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- Hommel false discovery rate correction
- Homo sapiens
- Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test
- Hotelling T2 distribution
- Hotelling-Lawley trace
- Hunter-Schmidt estimator
- Huynh-Feldt covariance structure
- I-squared
- IEDB alternative term
- ISA alternative term
- Kendall's correlation coefficient
- Kenward-Roger degree of freedom approximation
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
- Kruskal Wallis test
- L'Abbe plot
- LD plot
- Laplace probability distribution
- Least significance different test
- Levene's test
- Likelihood-ratio test
- Lineweaver-Burk plot
- M matrix
- MA plot
- MAF matrix
- Mallows' Cp
- Mammalia
- Mann-Whitney U-test
- Matern function anisotropic covariance structure
- Matthews correlation coefficient
- Mauchly's test for sphericity
- McNemar test
- Metropolis–Hastings sampling
- Michaelis-Menten constant
- Newman-Keuls test post-hoc analysis
- O'brien-Flemming boundary analysis
- OBO foundry unique label
- Opisthokonta
- P matrix
- PLS1
- PLS2
- Pareto type-I probability distribution
- Pareto type-II probability distribution
- Pareto type-III probability distribution
- Pareto type-IV probability distribution
- Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis
- Partial Least Square regression
- Pearson's Chi square test of goodness of fit
- Pearson's Chi square test of independence between categorical variables
- Pearson's correlation coefficient
- Pillai's trace