The Statistical Methods Ontology
28 terms(s) returned
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- TMM-trimmed mean of M-values corrected count
- TPM-transcript per million
- Tarone's test for homogeneity of odds ratio
- Tau squared
- Tietjen-Moore test for outliers
- Toeplitz covariance structure
- Tukey HSD for Post-Hoc Analysis
- t-score
- t-statistic
- test of association between categorical variables
- tetrachoric correlation coefficient
- third quartile
- three dimensional cartesian coordinate system
- three dimensional cartesian spatial coordinate origin
- threshold cycle
- trait-specific relationship matrix best linear unbiaised prediction
- transmission disequilibrium test
- treatment contrast
- trimmed mean
- true negative rate
- true positive rate
- two dimensional cartesian coordinate system
- two dimensional cartesian spatial coordinate origin
- two sample Hotelling T2 test
- two sample t-test with equal variance
- two sample t-test with unequal variance
- two tailed test
- two-way ANOVA