Symptom Ontology
1042 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 801 to 850 of 1042 Records | Page: 17 of 21, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- periumbilic abdominal tenderness
- periumbilic pelvic lump
- periumbilic pelvic mass
- periumbilic pelvic swelling
- persistent vegetative state
- petechiae
- phantom pain
- pharynx inflammation
- phlebitis
- phlegm
- photophobia
- plasmacytosis
- pleural effusion
- pleuritic chest pain
- pneumonitis
- polydipsia
- polyphagia
- polyuria
- poor enunciation
- poor feeding
- poor wound healing
- post-void dribbling
- postnasal drainage
- postphlebitic ulcer
- postural instability hypokinesia
- postural reaction
- precordial pain
- premature labor
- profound weakness
- progressive emaciation
- progressive prostration
- progressive weakness
- prolonged fever
- proprioception symptom
- prostate symptom
- prostatic abscess
- prostatic infection
- prostration
- proteinuria
- proximal paralysis of arm and leg
- ptosis
- pulmonary consolidation
- pulmonary edema
- pupil symptom
- purpuric rash
- pustule
- pyrosis
- rales
- rapid respiration
- rash