Symptom Ontology
1042 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 951 to 1000 of 1042 Records | Page: 20 of 21, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- stress incontinence
- stridor
- stupor
- subconjunctival bleeding
- subdural hemorrhage
- subjective vertigo
- sudden ataxis
- sudden onset of fever
- suppurative bronchiole inflammation
- sweaty
- swelling in chest
- swelling symptom
- symptom
- syncope
- syncope and collapse
- synovitis
- tache noire
- tachycardia
- tachypnea
- tenesmus
- term replaced by
- terminal ileitis
- testicular pain
- tetanic convulsion
- tetany
- thick white exudate on tongue
- thirst
- throat muscle paralysis
- throat pain
- throat symptom
- thrombocytopenia
- thymus symptom
- thyroid abscesses
- thyroid symptom
- tinnitus
- tiredness
- title
- tonic seizure
- tonic-clonic seizure
- toothache
- torticollis
- toxemia
- tracheitis
- tracheobronchitis
- transient alteration of awareness
- transient fever
- transient paralysis of limb
- tremor
- uncoordinated gait
- underweight