Radiation Biology Ontology
174 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 101 to 150 of 174 Records | Page: 3 of 4, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- food component
- food packaging gas
- food preservative
- food storage organ
- foot
- foot based unit
- foot candle
- foot candle based unit
- foramen magnum
- foramen of skull
- foramen rotundum
- force unit
- foregut
- foregut duodenum mesentery
- foregut epithelium
- foregut morphogenesis
- foregut-midgut junction
- foregut-midgut junction gland
- forest area expansion
- forest biome
- forest canopy
- forest ecosystem
- forest process
- forest soil
- forested area
- formation of a liquid aerosol from gaseous material in an atmosphere
- formation of a liquid aerosol in an atmosphere
- formation of a solid aerosol from gaseous material in an atmosphere
- formation of a solid aerosol from liquid material in an atmosphere
- formation of a solid aerosol in an atmosphere
- formation of anatomical boundary
- formation of animal organ boundary
- formation of primary germ layer
- formation of translation initiation ternary complex
- fossil fuel
- fossil fuel power plant
- fraction
- fractionated radiation exposure
- francium atom
- freezing
- freezing of water into water ice
- frequency unit
- frontonasal process epithelium
- frontonasal prominence
- frozen
- frozen land
- frozen soil
- fuel
- fully formed stage
- function