Cephalopod Ontology
325 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 101 to 150 of 325 Records | Page: 3 of 7, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- cuttlebone
- dactylus
- demersal
- demibranch
- diel vertical migration
- digestive gland
- digestive gland duct appendages (digda)
- distal oviduct
- doratopsis stage
- dorsal beak
- dorsal mantle cavity
- dorsal shield
- efferent nerve
- efferent vein
- egg mass
- ejaculatory apparatus
- end organ
- epirenal body
- epithelial layer of gladius
- epithelial pigmentation
- external shell
- extrategumental chromatophore
- eye pore
- eyelid
- eyelid sinus
- fin
- fin angle
- fin attachment
- fin cartilage
- fin length
- fin lobe
- fin position
- fin shape
- fin trait
- foveola
- funnel
- funnel component of funnel-mantle locking apparatus
- funnel groove
- funnel organ
- funnel retractor muscle
- funnel valve
- funnel-mantle locking-apparatus
- gill
- gill lamella
- gill length
- gill trait
- gladius
- gladius vane
- habitat trait
- half-orange gill