Mass spectrometry ontology
80 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 80 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- ReAdW
- Reference
- Regular expression for adduct ion formula
- Reprocessed complete dataset
- Reprocessed subset dataset
- Resampler
- Result file URI
- radial ejection linear ion trap
- radical ion
- rank transform
- rapifleX
- rate of the interquartile RT period for identified quantification data points
- ratio calculation method
- ratio of 1+ over 2+ of all MS2 known precursor charges
- ratio of 1+ over 2+ of identified MS2 known precursor charges
- ratio of 3+ over 2+ of all MS2 known precursor charges
- ratio of 3+ over 2+ of identified MS2 known precursor charges
- ratio of 4+ over 2+ of all MS2 known precursor charges
- ratio of 4+ over 2+ of identified MS2 known precursor charges
- raw data file
- raw file attribute
- raw files group attribute
- raw inverse reduced ion mobility array
- raw ion mobility array
- raw ion mobility drift time array
- razor peptide
- reduction to summed singly charged peak list
- refactored XCorr
- reference ion
- reflectron
- reflectron off
- reflectron on
- reflectron state
- regular expression
- regular expression for PSM-level scores for identifications based on multiple spectra
- regular expression for a digital object identifier (DOI)
- regular expression for encoding identifications based on multiple spectra.
- regular expression for interaction scores derived from crosslinking
- regular expression for modification localization scoring
- regular expression for residue-pair ref
- regular expression for whether interaction score derived from crosslinking passes threshold
- regular expressions for a GUID
- related spectrum
- related spectrum USI
- related spectrum description
- related spectrum keys
- release date
- report only spectra assigned to identified proteins
- reporter ion intensity
- reporter ion normalized value