Mass spectrometry ontology
3490 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 3451 to 3490 of 3490 Records | Page: 70 of 70, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- ultraviolet photodissociation
- unidentified MS1 feature area principal component analysis result
- unidentified MS2 precursor intensity distribution
- unidentified MS2 precursor intensity distribution mean
- unidentified MS2 precursor intensity distribution sigma
- unidentified modification monoisotopic mass delta
- unified atomic mass unit
- unimolecular dissociation
- uninterpreted spectrum
- unit
- universal spectrum identifier
- unknown modification
- unlabeled peptidoform
- unmapped peptide
- unmapped protein
- unnatural peptidoform decoy spectrum
- unrelated species decoy spectrum
- unspecific cleavage
- unstable ion
- vacuum drying MALDI sample preparation
- value between -1 and 1 inclusive
- value between 0 and 1 inclusive
- value between 0 and 1000 inclusive
- value greater than zero
- value greater than zero but less than or equal to one
- variation coefficient
- vendor
- vertical ionization
- volt-second per square centimeter
- waters_connect
- wavelength
- wavelength array
- wavelet transformation smoothing
- x-Tracker
- xQuest/xProphet
- xi
- xi:score
- xiFDR
- zlib compression
- zoom scan